Q: Which Christian group should I join?
A: The best thing to do is ask the Lord Jesus. Pray that He would lead you to the place where He would like you to be. You can pray something like this: “Lord, I ask that Your will be done and that You would lead me to the Christian group of Your choice. I give myself to You during my college years and ask that You make them useful for Your purpose. Lord, I pray that I may know you even more – I praise you and thank you for being my Shepherd!”
Q: What makes you different from other Christian groups?
A: This can be a difficult question to answer since we are not here to compare or compete with other Christian groups. We like to maintain the oneness and fellowship with all Christians. Actually, our life in Christ (Colossians 3:3-4) is the common and uniting factor, so we enjoy having fellowship around this wonderful Person and His Word. We in CSA try to have a good balance of the scripture, the gospel, and companionship with other believers. We are not merely a social club, so most of our activities will involve some element of reading and studying the Bible. Our meetings do not have any element of entertainment.
Q: What do you do in your club? What are the highlights of your club’s activities?
A: We have weekly Bible studies in the Student Union on Wednesdays** from 12:30-2:30pm. Students are free to come and go as their schedules require. We also have a lot of senior club members who actively participate in the club’s day-to-day activities. Some open their homes weekly with home-cooked meals so the students can meet together and encourage one another to gain Christ.
Many club members are also available for one-on-one fellowship and Bible reading sessions. These are good opportunities for spiritual growth, personal fellowship, asking questions, and sharing spiritual experiences.
The first couple of weeks each quarter we assist Bibles for America, a non-profit non-denominational organization, in distributing free New Testaments on campus.
In addition to the above, we have sister clubs on many Universities throughout the U.S. In Fall quarter and Spring quarter, the college students from the clubs in the Pacific Northwest (including British Columbia, Idaho and Oregon) gather together for a weekend retreat. During these events, we pray, read the Bible, sing, play outdoor activities and do many other things – all while enjoying the Lord.
Of course, during the pandemic situation, our public activities have been have been severely restricted.
Our club is also quite diverse and consists of students of all ethnicity and cultures.
Q: Which church can I attend while I’m at BC? A: To answer this question, we again suggest that you ask the Lord. There are many churches in the area, and if you seek the Lord’s will through prayer He can lead you to the best place. Members of CSA attend various churches in the community and would be happy to chat with you about them.